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WVC Send Surgery Logo 1

Parents and Carers of students who are on our SEND register will be invited each half term to book a SEND surgery appointment with one of our SEND team to discuss any concerns, ask questions and share information. It s also an opportunity to view your child's Pupil Passport.


Cambridgeshire Local Offer

At Witchford Village College our environment is fully inclusive for all students providing adaptations to the school environment and mainstream education as needed. Students with additional needs are supported in a variety of ways to ensure they are offered equal opportunities to participate, engage and succeed in all aspects of school life. This includes opportunities to engage with additional and extra-curricular activities alongside those within the school day.

Alongside this we work closely with both school-based and external professionals to ensure access to support services is in place if required.

High quality teaching tailored to the needs of each individual enables the needs of most students to be met. However, for students with a previously identified special educational need or one identified by their parent/carer or Witchford Village College, additional planning, provision and tracking of progress will be put in place. We follow the “Assess, Plan, Do, Review” cycle set out within the SEN Code of Practice to ensure that any special educational needs are met appropriately. Additional needs are identified in school through data analysis, observation, liaison with other professionals and barriers to learning.

Our school SEND policy and report can be accessed here

Working in partnership

At WVC we believe that provision for learners with SEND should be a co-production between the school, parents and the child. Communication between all stakeholders is imperative and we fully recognise the expertise parents offer in relation to their own children. Provision of a supportive learning environment is fundamental in enabling learners to make progress in school.

For learners with EHC Plans review meetings will take place at least once per year, in accordance with the Code of Practice, wherein the young person and their parent/care are fully involved in discussions and decisions about the support and resources the young person needs. In parallel discussions, we will link into how a parent/carer can further support their son/daughter’s learning needs at home and in the community.
Every child with an EHC Plan or a high level of need has a key worker/lead professional who will meet regularly with the child and communicate with the parent to discuss how the child is doing. The key worker/lead professional is the parent’s first point of contact.

Provision at WVC

At Witchford we are able to offer a significant range of provision and so can tailor our approach to meeting the needs of individuals by providing tailored support and bespoke resourcing where required.
Our offer includes:
The Cabin for students with a diagnosis of autism who are placed within this setting by Cambridgeshire County Council
The Zone for those students with a specific or moderate learning disability, social, emotional or health difficulties or sensory/physical needs

We are able to offer the following:

• Keyworkers for learners with EHC Plans or a high level of need
• Access to some one-to-one support in lessons
• Access to some small groups for core subjects
• Appropriate adaptations to the school curriculum
• Access to mentoring
• Screening for dyslexic/dyscalculic tendencies
• Focused numeracy and/or literacy support for KS3 and KS4
• Whole staff training on particular SEND issues
• Whole TA training on particular SEND issues
• Access to family therapy, counselling, youth workers or mentoring via the EHA process
• Support at times of transition (KS2-KS3, KS4-KS5) with additional visits, meeting with parents, liaison with key staff, TA support during Year 6 New Intake, 16+ support to visit 16+ providers
• Social time support before school and during break and lunch
• Access to specialist provision for assessment from the Education Psychology Service, The Hearing Impairment Service, The Visual Impairment Service, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Centre 33


The school site is adapted to ensure it is fully accessible for wheelchair users, those with mobility issues and visually impaired students. We have ramps, disabled toilets, space for physiotherapy sessions, specialist equipment including adapted chairs and equipment such as large scale calculators and keyboards, adapted tools and sports equipment. We welcome visitors; if you would like a tour of the school site please contact Reception to arrange a visit.


At WVC all teachers are supported in meeting the needs of learners with SEND; receiving regular CPD in areas such as autism, dyslexia friendly classrooms and EAL. In addition to quality first teaching we have a range of teaching assistants who work with learners on a daily basis. The TAs are a highly trained team offering expertise in areas such as literacy, numeracy, SEMH and autism. Regular training is offered to ensure our staff body is fully aware of current recommendations.


Preparing for Adulthood

The Preparing for Adulthood programme (PfA) is a government funded partnership which brings together a wide range of expertise and experience to offer support and guidance to support young people and their families into adulthood, paid employment, good health, independent living options and friends, relationships and community inclusion.

Further information

If you feel that your child has SEN or needs additional support with their learning please make an appointment with our SENDCo Naomi D'Cunha or Deputy SENDCo Jo-Anne Pagram.
The member of the school’s governing body with responsibility for SEND is Jeanette Redding.

The Local Authority Local Offer can be found at (
Local offer - Preparing for adulthood (14-25) - Cambridgeshire County Council (
Moving-On Into Work guide ( (
Moving On Booklet ( (
Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby (

If you have any complaints about the school arrangements for SEND then please look at the complaints policy via school website and use the complaints form on the contact page to raise your complaint.

Ordinarily available provision
SEND Information Report